Easter Island

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Easter Island Rapa Nui, is a Chilean island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean - about a five hour flight west of Santiago, Chile.  It is  located at the southeasternmost point of the Polynesian Triangle in the Pacific. Easter Island is famous for its 887 surviving statues, called moai (pronounced mo-eye) which were created by the early Rapa Nui people. In 1995, UNESCO named Easter Island a World Heritage Site.


I am combining this trip to Easter Island with my trip to Antarctica.  I plan on flying back to Santiago and catching an early morning flight to Easter Island.  I've booked a tour to get me orientated to the island - then I plan on hiking to Orongo and Te Peu two important Rapa Nui cultural sites. 

Easter Island

Easter Island is a volcanic island formed around 750,000 years ago. It is also one of the most isolated islands in the world to have inhabitants. To get an idea of how isolated it is, the nearest notable locations of population are Tahiti and Chile, which are over 3,200kms or 2,000 miles away.  The signs of the massive volcanic eruptions that formed this island dominate the landscape.


There are three names associated with Easter Island.  English speaking people would know it as Easter Island, named after a Dutch explorer who discovered it on Easter weekend.  Mainland Chilean's know the island as Isla de Pascuas but the most common name I heard for the island was Rapa Nui - the name of the indigenous people of the island.  

Hanga Roa

Located in the southwestern part of the island,  Hanga Roa is the capital and only town on the island.  The latest census listed the town with 5,800 inhabitants.  The town's appearance is simple and modest.  Most homes are very small one story buildings with metal roofs.  Yards are mostly neat, but unkept lots are found everywhere.  There are two fairly busy streets where most of the stores and restaurants are located.  The few roads that dissect the island are in moderate condition with some areas requiring attentive driving to avoid numerous potholes.


Why Easter Island

If you are interested in hanging out on a beautiful sandy beach & sipping on a pina colada or maybe shopping for the latest summer clothing, Easter Island will definitely not provide you that type of experience. What it will provide you is an amazing exploration of a ancient Ployonesian culture that developed on a remote volcanic island - it's rise and fall.

 Follow my next few blogs as I tell you the Rapa Nui's story.


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